Sharing Waste Governance Research
The overall goal of this project is to support knowledge translation and knowledge mobilization of research results obtained through empirical studies conducted by the research consortium, in five countries (Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Kenya, Nicaragua, Tanzania), since 2018. The PI, in particular has collected data in Canada and Brazil.
This SSHRC Connection grant has supported the organization of the II. International Conference on Recycling Networks & Waste Governance, held at the Kisenga Lapf International Conference Center, in Dar es Salaam (April 29th to May 4th). The event was organized by the Business School, University of Dar es Salaam, in collaboration with the University of Gothenburg, Sweden and the University of Victoria, Canada.
During the event key findings of the country-specific empirical case studies conducted by the research consortium focusing on sustainable waste collection and recycling for inclusive cities were communicated and disseminated.
Challenges of innovative grassroots initiatives and networks and the livelihood difficulties of waste pickers have been examined in the context of these countries and some innovative policies and waste management strategies have been discussed, of which cities around the globe can benefit from. A video on the conference, workshops and field visits has been released.
RECYCLING NETWORKS & WASTE GOVERNANCE Sustainable Waste Collection and Recycling for Inclusive Cities: Report on Updated Research Outcomes of the Project