Publications in a wide variety of formats, including peer-review journals, book chapters, and conference presentations
Kain, J.-H., Zapata, P., de Azevedo, A. M. M., Carenzo, S., Charles, G., Gutberlet, J.Oloko, M. Reynosa, J. P. and Zapats Campos, M. J. (2022). Characteristics, challenges and innovations of waste picker organizations: a comparative perspective between Latin American and East African countries. PlosOne (ONE-D-21-33009R1) (in press).
Uddin, M. S. N., Gutberlet, J., Chowdhury, A. T. , Parisa, T. A., Nuzhat, S. & Chowdhury, S. N.(2022). Exploring waste and sanitation-borne hazards in Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development. (in press)
Azevedo, A. M. M., Gutberlet, J., Dias de Araujo, S. & Harada, F. (2022) Impacts of Covid-19 on organized waste pickers in selected municipalities in the State of São Paulo, Environment & Society. 24. (in press).
Azevedo, A. M. M., Gutberlet, J., Dias de Araujo, S. & Harada, F. (2022) Impactos da Covid-19 sobre catadores de materiais recicláveis organizados no Estado de São Paulo. Ambiente & Sociedade. 24. (in press).
Ghezeljeh, A., Gutberlet, J, & Cloutier, D. (2022) Recent challenges and new possibilities with urban agriculture in Victoria, British Columbia, Journal of CanadianGeographer. 66 (3)
Markley, L. A., Gündogdu, S., Markley, L. A., Olivelli, A., Khan, F. R., Gwinnett, C.,Gutberlet, J. et al. (2022). Plastic Pollution, Waste Management Issues and Circular Economy Opportunities in Rural Communities. Sustainability, 14 (20), pp. 1-48.
Giatti, L. L.; Gutberlet, J.; Toledo, R. F. & Santos, F. N. P. Pesquisa participativa reconectando diversidade: democracia de saberes para a sustentabilidade. Revista Estudos Avançados, 35 (103): 237-253.
Gutberlet, J., Sorroche, S., Martins Baeder, A., Zapata, P. & Zapata Campos, M. J.(2021). Waste pickers and their insurgent practices of environmental stewardship. The Journal of Environment & Development. 30 (4), 369-394.
Sholanke, D. & Gutberlet, J. (2021) Call for Participatory Waste Governance: Waste Management with Binners in Vancouver. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning.
Amauchi, J., Gauthier, M., Ghezeljeh, Z., Giatti, L., Keats, K., Sholanke, D., Zachari, D.& Gutberlet, J. (2021) The power of community-based participatory research: Ethical and effective ways of researching. Community Development. 53 (1): 3-20. DOI:10.1080/15575330.2021.1936102
Giatti, L. L., Agum Ribeiro, R., Ferreira Dales Nava, A., Gutberlet, J. & Azevedo, A. M. M. (2021) Emerging complexities and rising omission: contrasts among socio-ecological contexts of infectious diseases, research and policy in Brazil. In: Genetics and Molecular Biology, 44, 1(suppl 1), 1-9. DOI:
Giatti, L. L., Agum Ribeiro, R., Ferreira Dales Nava, A., Gutberlet, J. & Azevedo, A. M. M. (2021) Complexidades e omissōes emergentes: contrastes entre os contextos socioecológicos das doenças infecciosas, da pesquisa e da política no Brasil. Faculdade de Saúde Pública Universidade de São Paulo.
Gutberlet, J. (2021) Grassroots waste picker organizations addressing the UN sustainable development goals. World Development, 138 (2021) 105195.
Sholanke, D. & Gutberlet, J. (2020) Informal recycling in Vancouver: Binners’ challenges and opportunities. Detritus, 13: pages I-IV.
Gutberlet, J. & Carenzo, S. (2020) Waste Pickers at the Heart of the Circular Economy: A Perspective of Inclusive Recycling from the Global South. Worldwide Waste: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(1): 6, 1–14. DOI:
Gutberlet, J., Besen, G. R. & Morais, L. (2020) Participatory solid waste governance and the role of social and solidarity economy: Experiences from São Paulo, Brazil. Detritus, 13: 167-180.
Lau, W. W. Y, … Gutberlet, J., …. (2020) Evaluating scenarios toward zero plastic waste. Science, 369 (6510):1455-1461. doi: 10.1126/science.aba9475
Gutberlet, J. (2020) Transforming cities globally: essential public and environmental health services provided by informal sector workers. One Earth, 3(3): 287-289.
Besen, R. & Gutberlet, J. (2020) Os catadores de materiais recicláveis e a COVID-19. Dialogos SocioAmbientais na Mactrometropole. Volume Especial, Dossiê Covid-19. 26- 27.
Uddin, S. M. N., Gutberlet, J., Ramezani, A. & Nasiruddin, S. M. (2020) Experiencing the everyday of waste pickers: A sustainable livelihoods and health assessment in Dhaka City, Bangladesh. Journal of International Development.
Gutberlet, J., Bramryd, T. & Johansson, M. (2020) Expansion of the Waste-Based Commodity Frontier: Insights from Sweden and Brazil. Sustainability, 12, 2628. DOI:
Uddin, S. M. N., Lapegue, J., Gutberlet, J., Adamowski, J. F., Dorea, C. C. & Sorezo, F.(2019) A Traditional Closed-Loop Sanitation System in a Chronic Emergency: AQualitative Study from Afghanistan. Water, 11, 298;
Sobral Santos, M.L. & Gutberlet, J. (2018) Transformando relações entre sociedade eresíduos. Caderno Diálogos Socioambientais na Macrometrópole, nº1 (Dez.): 30-37.
Gutberlet, J. & Uddin, S. M. N. (2018) Household waste and health risks affecting waste pickers and the environment in low- and middle-income countries. Int J of Occupational and Environmental Health. 23(6):1-12 DOI:10.1080/10773525.2018.1484996 Link:
Uddin, S. M. N. & Gutberlet, J. (2018) Livelihoods and health status of informal recyclers in Mongolia. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 134: 1–9.
Gutberlet, J., Carenzo, S., Kain, J-H. & de Azevedo, A. M. M. (2017) Waste Picker Organizations and Their Contribution to the Circular Economy: Two Case Studies from a Global South Perspective. Resources 6 (52): 1-12.
Gutberlet, J., Kain, J.-H., Nyakinya, B., Oloko, M., Zapata, P., & Zapata Campos, M. J.(2017). Bridging Weak Links of Solid Waste Management in Informal Settlements. The Journal of Environment & Development. 26 (1): 106-131.
Gutberlet, J. (2016). Ways Out of the Waste Dilemma: Transforming Communities in the Global South. In: “A Future without Waste? Zero Waste in Theory and Practice,” edited by Christof Mauch, RCC Perspectives: Transformations in Environment and Society, 3: 55–68. waste-theory-and-practice
Gutberlet, J. & Kain, J-H., Nyakinda, B., Oshieng, D. H., Odhiambo, N., Oloko, M.,Omolo, J., Omondi, E., Otieno, S., Zapata, P. & Zapata Campos, M. J. (2016). Socio-environmental entrepreneurship and the provision of critical services in informal settlements. Environment and Urbanization, 28: 205-222.
Gutberlet, J. (2015). Cooperative urban mining in Brazil: Collective practices in selective household waste collection and recycling. Waste Management. 45: 22-31.
Gutberlet, J. (2015). More inclusive and cleaner cities with waste management co-production: Insights from participatory epistemologies and methods. Habitat International. 46: 234-243.
Giatti, L. & Agum, R. & Nava, A. & Gutberlet, J. (2021). Emerging complexities and rising omission: Contrasts among socio-ecological contexts of infectious diseases, research and policy in Brazil. Genetics and Molecular Biology. 44. 2. 10.1590/1678-4685-GMB-2020-0229 Access here and translated in Portuguese here.
Uddin, S. M. N.; Gutberlet, J.; Ramezani, A. & Nasiruddin, S. M. (2020) Experiencing the everyday of waste pickers: A sustainable livelihoods and health assessment in Dhaka City, Bangladesh. Journal of International Development. DOI: 10.1002/jid.3479. Access here.
Gutberlet, J. Bramryd, T. & Johansson, M. (2020) Expansion of the Waste-Based Commodity Frontier: Insights from Sweden and Brazil. Sustainability, 12, 2628; doi:10.3390/su12072628. Access here.
Uddin, S. M. N.; Lapegue, J.; Gutberlet, J.; Adamowski, J. F.; Dorea, C. C. & Sorezo, F. (2019) A Traditional Closed-Loop Sanitation System in a Chronic Emergency: A Qualitative Study from Afghanistan. Water, 11, 298; doi:10.3390/w11020298. Access here.
Gutberlet, J. & Uddin, S. M. N. (2018) Household waste and health risks affecting waste pickers and the environment in low- and middle-income countries. Int J of Occupational and Environmental Health. DOI:10.1080/10773525.2018.1484996. Access here.
Uddin, S. M. N. & Gutberlet, J. (2018) Livelihoods and health status of informal recyclers in Mongolia. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 134: 1–9.
Gutberlet, J.; Carenzo, S.; Kain, J-H.; & de Azevedo, A. M. M. (2017) Waste Picker Organizations and Their Contribution to the Circular Economy: Two Case Studies from a Global South Perspective. Resources 6 (52): 1-12.
Gutberlet, J., Kain, J.-H., Nyakinya, B., Oloko, M., Zapata, P., & Zapata Campos, M. J. (2016). Bridging Weak Links of Solid Waste Management in Informal Settlements. The Journal of Environment & Development. 26 (1): 106-131.
Gutberlet, J. (2016). Ways Out of the Waste Dilemma: Transforming Communities in the Global South. In: “A Future without Waste? Zero Waste in Theory and Practice,” edited by Christof Mauch, RCC Perspectives: Transformations in Environment and Society, no. 3, 55–68. waste-theory-and-practice
Gutberlet, J. & Kain, J-H.; Nyakinda, B.; Oshieng, D. H.; Odhiambo, N.; Oloko, M.; Omolo, J.; Omondi, E.; Otieno, S.; Zapata, P. & Zapata Campos, M. J. (2016). Socio-environmental entrepreneurship and the provision of critical services in informal settlements. Environment and Urbanization, 28: 205-222.
Gutberlet, J. (2015). Cooperative urban mining in Brazil: Collective practices in selective household waste collection and recycling. Waste Management. 45: 22-31.
Gutberlet, J. (2015). More inclusive and cleaner cities with waste management co-production: Insights from participatory epistemologies and methods. Habitat International. 46: 234-243.
Gutberlet, J. (2013). Gestão de resíduos sólidos. Revista de Geografia (UFPE), 30 (1): 6-23.
Gutberlet, J. (2013). Briefing: Social facets of solid waste: insights from the global south. Waste and Resource Management, 166 (3):110–113.
King, M. & Gutberlet, J. (2013). Contribution of cooperative sector recycling to greenhouse gas emissions reduction: a case study of Ribeirão Pires, Brazil. Waste Management, 33 (12): 2771-2780.
Nunn, N. & Gutberlet, J. (2013). Cooperative recycling in São Paulo, Brazil: towards an emotional consideration of empowerment. Area, 45 (4): 452-458. DOI: 10.1111/area.12052.
Gutberlet, J.; Baeder, A. M.; Pontuschka, N. N.; Felipone, S. M. N. & dos Santos, T. L. F. (2013). Participatory Research Revealing the Work and Occupational Health Hazards of Cooperative Recyclers in Brazil. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 10 (10): 4607-4627. DOI:10.3390/ijerph10104607.
Gutberlet, J. & Jayme, B. de O. (2012). A história do meu rosto: como agentes ambientais percebem a estigmatização (re)produzida pelo discurso. Geografia em Questão, 5 (2): 183- 200.
Binion, E. & Gutberlet, J. (2012). The effects of handling solid waste on the wellbeing of informal and organized recyclers: A review of the literature. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health. 18 (1): 43-52.
Gutberlet, J. (2012). Informal and cooperative recycling as a poverty eradication strategy. Geography Compass, 6/1 (2012): 19–34, DOI: 10.1111/j.1749-8198.2011.00468.x.
Yates, J. S. & Gutberlet, J. (2011). Re-claiming and re-circulating urban natures: Integrated organic waste management in Diadema, Brazil. Environment and Planning A, 43 (9): 2109 – 2124.
Yates, J. S. & Gutberlet, J. (2011). Enhancing livelihoods and the urban environment: The local political framework for integrated organic waste management in Diadema, Brazil. Journal of Development Studies, 47 (4): 1-18.
Tremblay, C. & Gutberlet, J. (2011). Empowerment through participation: assessing the voices of leaders from recycling cooperatives in São Paulo, Brazil. Community Development Journal, 46 (3): 282-302 [DOI: 10.1093/cdj/bsq040].
Gutberlet, J. (2011). O custo social da incineração de resíduos sólidos: Recuperação de energia em detrimento da sustentabilidade. Revista Geográfica de América Central, Número Especial XIII EGAL, 2011- Costa Rica, 2 (47E): 1-16.
Gutberlet, J. & Pontuschka, N. N. (2010). Pesquisa qualitativa sobre consumo: experiências interdisciplinares. Olhar do Professor, Caderno tematico: Pesquisa qualitativa e consumo. 13 (2): 217-224. DOI: 10.5212/OlharProfr.v.13i2.0001.
Gutberlet, J. & Jayme, B. O. (2010). The story of my face. How environmental stewards perceive stigmatization (re)produced by the media. Sustainability, 2: 3339-3353.
Gutberlet, J. (2010). Waste, poverty and recycling. Waste Management, 30 (2): 171-173.
Tremblay, C., Gutberlet, J. & Peredo A. M. (2010). United We Can: Resource Recovery, Place and Social Enterprise, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 54 (7): 422-428.
Gutberlet, J., Tremblay, C., Taylor, E. & Divakarannair, N. (2009). Who are our informal recyclers? An inquiry to uncover crisis and potential in Victoria, Canada. Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability, 14 (8): 733-747.
Gutberlet, J. (2009). The solidarity economy of recycling co-ops: micro-credit to alleviate poverty. Development in Practice, 19 (6): 737-751.
Raoulx, B., Gutberlet, J. & Tremblay, C. (2009). Dans les poubelles de Vancouveur Le recyclage comme support de socialization. Le Sociographe, 29: 69-81.
Gutberlet, J. (2008). Empowering collective recycling initiatives: Video documentation and action research with a recycling co-op in Brazil, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 52: 659-670.
Gutberlet, J. & Baeder, A. (2008). Informal recycling and occupational health in Santo André, Brazil. International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 18 (1): 1-15.
Mihai, FC., Meidiana, C., Elagroudy, S., Ulman, SR., Gutberlet, J., Carvalho, C. (2024). Plastic Waste Management for Zero Waste to Landfills: Potential, Challenges, and Opportunities. In: Bhat, R.A., Dar, G.H., Hajam, Y.A. (eds) Zero Waste Management Technologies. Springer, Cham.
Gutberlet, J. (2020) Pesquisa-ação e participação universitária nas transformações socioambientais. In: Freire, A. F.; Ramos Júnior, D. V.; Mota Machado, L. & Cavalcante da Silva, M. Cultura e território em foco: Uma abordagem interdisciplinar. Porto Alegre, RS: Editora Fi, pp. 21-35. Access here.
Frey, K. & Gutberlet, J. (2019) Democracia e governança do clima - diálogos Norte-Sul. In: Torres, P. et al. (Orgs.) Governança e Planejamento Ambiental: Adaptacao e políticas públicas na Macrometrópole Paulista Rio de Janeiro, LetraCapital, pp. 23-30.
Gutberlet, J. (2018). Waste in the City: Challenges and Opportunities for Urban Agglomerations, Urban Agglomeration, (Ed.), InTech, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.72047.
Gutberlet J., Jayme de Oliveira B. & Tremblay C. (2016) Arts-Based and Participatory Action Research with Recycling Cooperatives. Chapter in: Rowell, L. L., Bruce, C., Shosh, J. M., Riel, M. (Eds.) Palgrave International Handbook of Action Research, Palgrave Macmillan US. EBook ISBN 978-1-137-40523-4. 10.1057/978-1-137-40523-4, pp. 699-715.
King, M. F., Gutberlet, J. & da Silva, D.M. (2016) Contribuição de cooperativas de reciclagem para a redução de emissão de gases de efeito estufa (Contribution of recycling cooperatives to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions). In: Jaquetto Pereira, B. C. & Lira Goes, F. (Org), Catadores de materiais recicláveis: um encontro nacional. Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Ipea). ISBN 978-85-7811-267-7, pp. 507-536.
Gutberlet, J.; Baeder, A. M.; Pontuschka, N. N.; Felipone, S. M. N.; dos Santos, T. L. F. & de Souza, M. A. (2016). Pesquisa-ação em educação ambiental e saúde dos catadores: Estudo de caso realizado com integrantes de cooperativas de coleta seletiva e reciclagem na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, Brasil (Action research for environmental education and occupational health: A study with members of recycling cooperatives in metropolitan São Paulo). In: Jaquetto Pereira, B. C. & Lira Goes, F. (Org), Catadores de materiais recicláveis: um encontro nacional. Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Ipea). ISBN 978-85-7811-267-7, pp. 201-216.
Gutberlet, J. & Tremblay, C. (2015) Peace and social inclusion: Experiences with recycling cooperatives in Brazil and Canada. In: MacPherson, I. & Paz, Y. The Relevance of Co- operatives to Peace. Edited and published by Joy Emmanuel Edited, pp. 213-220.
Rodrigues, G., A. Azevedo, and J. Gutberlet. (2015). Parcerias Público-Privadas no Tratamento de Resíduos Sólidos. Opções e impactos socioambientais no Caso de São Bernardo do Campo/SP (Public-private partnerships in solid waste disposal. The Case of São Bernardo City). In Serie Ciclo de Debates Alianças Público-Privadas para o Desenvolvimento: Experiências brasileiras e desafios para fortalecimento de Alianças Público-Privadas para o Desenvolvimento. Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento. Brasília: IDB, ISBN: 978-85-99515-20-4, pp. 173–-187.
Gutberlet, J. & Donoso, M. (2015). Zero waste: climate mitigation and poverty reduction with cooperative recycling. In: Hirsch, T., Lottje, C. & Netzer, N. (Eds.) Exploring Sustainable Low Carbon Development Pathways. Pioneers of Change. 21 good practices for sustainable low carbon development in developing countries. Electronic ed.: Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. ISBN 978-3-95861-285-3 files/iez/11664.pdf, pp. 25-37.
Tremblay, C.; Gutberlet, J. & Bonatti M. (2015) Celebrating Community-University Research Partnerships: Experiences in Brazil. In: Hall, B.; Tandon, R. & Tremblay, C. (Eds.), Strengthening community university research partnerships: global perspectives. Victoria: University of Victoria and PRIA, ISBN 978-1-55058-562 -9. pp. 73-94.
Gutberlet, J., Tremblay, C. & Moraes, C. S. V. (2014). The community based research tradition in Latin America. In: Higher Education and community based research, Edited by Munch, Mellrath, Hall, B. and Tandon, R., London: Palgrave Macmillian Publishers, ISBN 9781137385277. pp. 167-246
Gutberlet, J. & Baeder, A. (2014). A educação participativa e inclusão social de catadores de materiais recicláveis (Participatory education and social inclusionof informal recyclers). In: Loschiavo dos Santos, M. C., Walker, S. & Lopes Francelino Gonçalves, S. (Eds.): Design, Resíduo & Dignidade, São Paulo: Editora Olhares. ISBN 978-85-62114-35-9, pp. 419-436
Gutberlet, J. & Baeder, A. (2014). Community-based education and social inclusion of informal and organized recyclers in resource recovery. In: Loschiavo dos Santos, M. C., Walker, S. & Lopes Francelino Gonçalves, S. (Eds.): Design, Waste & Dignity, São Paulo: Editora Olhares. ISBN 978-85-62114-35-9. pp. 411-427.
Gutberlet, J. (2014). Replenishing the earth through informal and cooperative recycling. In: Bardi, U. (Ed.) Extracted. How the quest for mineral wealth is plundering the planet: a report to the Club of Rome. Vermont: Chelsea Green Publishing, ISBN 978-1603585415. pp. 218-224.
Gutberlet, J. (2013). Informal cooperative recyclers tackle global environmental challenges. In: ISSC and UNESCO (2013), World Social Science Report 2013, Changing Global Environments, OECD Publishing and UNESCO Publishing, Paris, ISBN 978-92-3-104254-6. pp.: 326-332.
Gutberlet, J. (2013). Suffizienz und Wertstoffrückgewinnung statt Rohstoffverschwendung (Sufficiency resource recovery instead of waste). In: Bardi, U. (Ed.) Der geplünderte Planet. Die Zukunft des Menschen im Zeitalter schwindender Ressourcen. Oekom, Muenchen, ISBN 978 -3-86581-410-4. pp. 295-302.
Gutberlet, J. (2011). Waste to Energy, Wasting Resources and Livelihoods, Integrated Waste Management - Volume I, Mr. Sunil Kumar (Ed.), InTech, DOI: 10.5772/17195. Available from:
Gutberlet, J. (2010). Participatory video for empowerment. In: D. Clover, B. Jayme, S. Follen, B. Hall (3rd Ed), The Nature of Transformation. Published by Department of Adult Education, Community Development, and Counselling Psychology, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education/University of Toronto ISBN 0-919971-35-0. pp. 121–125.
Gutberlet, J. (2019) Waste picker social economy organizations addressing the Sustainable Development Goals. Draft paper prepared in response to the UNTFSSE Call for Papers 2018. Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals: What Role for Social and Solidarity Economy? Presented at UNTFSSE International Conference in Geneva, 25-26 June 2019.
Azevedo, A. M. M. de, Carenzo, S., Goodluck, C., Gutberlet, J., Kain, J.-H., Oloko, M. O., Pérez Reynosa, J., Zapata, P., & Zapata Campos, M. J. (2018). Inclusive waste governance and grassroots innovations for social, environmental and economic change: Report on first research outcomes of the project Recycling Networks & Waste Governance. In collaboration with WIEGO. ISBN 978-91-984547-3-4.
Gutberlet, J. (Org.) (2024). University of and with waste pickers (UNICATA): History and Guidelines of a Community-based University. ISBN: 1-7776032-4-3 (Report in English and Portuguese).
Besen, R. & Gutberlet, J. (2020) Os catadores de materiais recicláveis e a COVID-19. Dialogos SocioAmbientais na Mactrometropole. Volume Especial, Dossiê Covid-19. 26-27.