Participatory Videos
COOPERCAPS example of social entrepreneurship: Towards Inclusive and Sustainable Waste Management (English)
The following film was made with the participation of waste pickers from Coopercaps cooperative in São Paulo. This production is part of a series of videos on social innovations made by waste pickers and aims to disseminate experiences from Argentina, Brazil, Kenya and Tanzania to contribute to the discussion on inclusive and more sustainable models of waste management and governance. The experiences chosen in Brazil portray the social entrepreneurship of Coopercaps in São Paulo and Avemare as an example of governance in Santana de Parnaíba in the state of São Paulo.
Circular Economy video (English)
The video documents the perspective of Carlos Henrique Nicolau, who is the leader from the waste picker cooperative network Catasampa, in the metropolitan region of Sao Paulo, Brazil
AVEMARE Cooperative: Towards Inclusive and Sustainable Waste Management (English)
The following film was made with the participation of waste pickers from the Avemare cooperative in Santana de Parnaíba, State of São Paulo. This production is part of a series of videos on social innovations made by waste pickers and aims to disseminate experiences from Argentina, Brazil, Kenya and Tanzania to contribute to the discussion on inclusive and more sustainable models of waste management and governance. The experiences chosen in Brazil portray the governance work of Avemare and Coopercaps as an example of social entrepreneurship in São Paulo.
Sharing waste governance research